
  • Why do we eat fruits raw but cook the vegetables?


    Vegetables and fruits are two distinct plant components. Vegetables are the roots, stems, and leaves of plants, whereas fruits are the seeds of plants.

    Texture and Taste Should Matter. While most vegetables don't taste particularly good when they are fresh, fruits are sweet and delectable.

    Vegetables are cooked to improve their flavour, however most vegetables lose some of their nutritional value when cooking.

    According to studies, cooking for 30 minutes can result in the loss of 40–50% of water-soluble vitamins (such vitamins C and B) and 10–20% of water-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, E, and D).

    Compared to cooked foods, raw fruits and vegetables offer greater nutrients.

    The best way to eat vegetables is raw, and in order to prevent nutrient loss, veggies that cannot be eaten uncooked shouldn't be overcooked.

    However, some vegetables are rich in nutrients like carotene, lutein, lycopene, ferulic acid, and others that must be cooked to release the minerals for human absorption because they are contained in plant cells.

    Carrots, asparagus, tomatoes, kale, spinach, bell peppers, brassica, green beans, mushrooms, celery, potatoes, and other vegetables are among those that can be cooked.


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